Saturday, October 10, 2015

Keeping Family and Friends in Mind all the time

I love what happens in just one month (and a couple of days) since my last post to this blog. September was an amazing month on eBay over $6000 in sales.

 I think the biggest secret is to plan your process, determine what you want to make and where you want it to go. That way when the profit is there you have already purpose that money and you can have that reward. If you don't do this, it may just wind up being spent who knows where and then you get frustrated.
So my advise is to alway pre-plan where you are going to spend the money and then stick to that plan. Discipline yourself to get into the habit and before you know it, you will have conquered managing your money.

One of the things I find so valuable when I treasure hunt is to keep in mind what my family and friends collections, hobbies and things that are important to them.

Recently a very dear friend was saddened at one of her favorite collectibles breaking. So as I was out doing my "normal" shopping/treasure hunting, there on the shelf of a thrift store was exactly the item she broke!!!!! Can you imagine the thrill when she opens her Christmas present and see's her beloved little treasure in the box.

No it does not cost very much, but yet it is the fact that I listened to her and remembered what was important to her.

It is not about how much you spend, it is about how much you care. It cost me just a few dollars, but it will say so much to my friend to know that I listened to just a passing comment from her.

Your ears are a very important tool, but sometimes we do not use them as we should. Remember we have 2 ears and 1 mouth, and we should use them in proportion to that.
Boy am I speaking to me on this one!!!!!

During my weekly visits "treasure hunting" I am always keeping an eye out for just the right thing for someone special in my life. It has nothing to do with being "cheap", but everything to do with the fact that they are on my mind and I remember what is important to them.

So this coming year why not make a practice of really looking with your heart and eyes to what might be a special treasure to someone on your Christmas list. You will save so much stress at this time of year, and you will bless someone with the gift of "YOU are important to me and I listened to your wants and needs".

Think about how you can stay within your budget and yet have the most wonderful Christmas or other holiday ever!!!

How would you feel if when you opened up your gift that it wasn't so much about what was inside but that someone really cared enough to keep you on their mind? The fact that they actually listened to you and what was important to you.

This is the time of year to show that you care. It is not about buying expensive gifts that will break or wear out, but to truly say "I love you and you are my TREASURE"

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