Thursday, October 8, 2015

Having a GREAT Holiday Season without the worry and stress

Happy Fall  

You mean it is really October already, but wasn't it just Summer time yesterday, oh yes it is 86 out today in our beautiful California weather so it still seems like summer.

You do not want to be stressed for the holidays so here are a few tips.
1) Plan ahead
2) Plan ahead
3) Plan ahead
Oh did I mention that you might want to plan ahead? LOL.

Many years ago when we were struggling financially the holidays seemed to be our worst time of year, never money to buy gifts or do all the things you are suppose to do for a "happy" season.  Then I realized that having money to make it a happy season was not what it was all about.  It was about blessing others.  So we started doing something that we still do today.  Gift giving is all about what we can do for others and not what we buy them.  Check out some of these ideas.

a) Give a little "personal coupon" for something you can do special for that person.  Such as baking them something special a few months out of the year, or even making a special dinner for them.  Oh come on I know you can cook even if you have to buy most of it pre-made.  Just think of at least setting a pretty table and serving them.

One year we did this for some very dear friends.  We invited them to the "Gilson Dinner House".  Greeted them at the door, checked their reservations and seated them at the reserved table.  Then I was the chief and Alan was the waiter.  We made it just like they had come to a fancy restaurant with a nice table setting and candlelight.  It was so fun and our friends still remember this to this day.  Gosh I think we should do this again!!  You could do this for an anniversary, birthday or any special occasion.

How about making something special, or whenever I am out looking for things to sell on eBay I am also thinking of things my family and friends have an interest in.  This means that they are always on your radar and you are thinking of them.  That is what people really want, to know that they are important to you.

So don't make the holidays a miserable time for you, make it a time to make people feel blessed.  We even spent some times serving at some food kitchens for Thanksgiving,  What a great way to not stress and do something special at the same time.  Then you WILL have a wonderful holiday season.

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