Thursday, November 19, 2015

Attitudes, the difference between Lemonade and Lemons

Ahhhh! The Fall season is upon us and the thoughts turn to Thanksgiving and the Holidays!

That means, for those of us that are suppliers to the marketplace, we are either ramping up or in the final stages of making sure we have all the inventory necessary to provide the goods and services that are in demand for this time of year.

It is also that time of year when the pace of buying picks up and the services we offer is put on display for the world to see. Customer service becomes the major difference, I believe, in having a customer purchase from us, or someone else.

I was raised from an early age that the customer is Always right, even when they are wrong! (in our view) So, the encouragement is to take a look at our "Attitude" on customer service this year to produce the greatest results and the best Bottom line for all of us.

Wanted to share an interview we did recently as an encouragement that you do make a difference by having that Great Attitude.

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Keeping Family and Friends in Mind all the time

I love what happens in just one month (and a couple of days) since my last post to this blog. September was an amazing month on eBay over $6000 in sales.

 I think the biggest secret is to plan your process, determine what you want to make and where you want it to go. That way when the profit is there you have already purpose that money and you can have that reward. If you don't do this, it may just wind up being spent who knows where and then you get frustrated.
So my advise is to alway pre-plan where you are going to spend the money and then stick to that plan. Discipline yourself to get into the habit and before you know it, you will have conquered managing your money.

One of the things I find so valuable when I treasure hunt is to keep in mind what my family and friends collections, hobbies and things that are important to them.

Recently a very dear friend was saddened at one of her favorite collectibles breaking. So as I was out doing my "normal" shopping/treasure hunting, there on the shelf of a thrift store was exactly the item she broke!!!!! Can you imagine the thrill when she opens her Christmas present and see's her beloved little treasure in the box.

No it does not cost very much, but yet it is the fact that I listened to her and remembered what was important to her.

It is not about how much you spend, it is about how much you care. It cost me just a few dollars, but it will say so much to my friend to know that I listened to just a passing comment from her.

Your ears are a very important tool, but sometimes we do not use them as we should. Remember we have 2 ears and 1 mouth, and we should use them in proportion to that.
Boy am I speaking to me on this one!!!!!

During my weekly visits "treasure hunting" I am always keeping an eye out for just the right thing for someone special in my life. It has nothing to do with being "cheap", but everything to do with the fact that they are on my mind and I remember what is important to them.

So this coming year why not make a practice of really looking with your heart and eyes to what might be a special treasure to someone on your Christmas list. You will save so much stress at this time of year, and you will bless someone with the gift of "YOU are important to me and I listened to your wants and needs".

Think about how you can stay within your budget and yet have the most wonderful Christmas or other holiday ever!!!

How would you feel if when you opened up your gift that it wasn't so much about what was inside but that someone really cared enough to keep you on their mind? The fact that they actually listened to you and what was important to you.

This is the time of year to show that you care. It is not about buying expensive gifts that will break or wear out, but to truly say "I love you and you are my TREASURE"

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Having a GREAT Holiday Season without the worry and stress

Happy Fall  

You mean it is really October already, but wasn't it just Summer time yesterday, oh yes it is 86 out today in our beautiful California weather so it still seems like summer.

You do not want to be stressed for the holidays so here are a few tips.
1) Plan ahead
2) Plan ahead
3) Plan ahead
Oh did I mention that you might want to plan ahead? LOL.

Many years ago when we were struggling financially the holidays seemed to be our worst time of year, never money to buy gifts or do all the things you are suppose to do for a "happy" season.  Then I realized that having money to make it a happy season was not what it was all about.  It was about blessing others.  So we started doing something that we still do today.  Gift giving is all about what we can do for others and not what we buy them.  Check out some of these ideas.

a) Give a little "personal coupon" for something you can do special for that person.  Such as baking them something special a few months out of the year, or even making a special dinner for them.  Oh come on I know you can cook even if you have to buy most of it pre-made.  Just think of at least setting a pretty table and serving them.

One year we did this for some very dear friends.  We invited them to the "Gilson Dinner House".  Greeted them at the door, checked their reservations and seated them at the reserved table.  Then I was the chief and Alan was the waiter.  We made it just like they had come to a fancy restaurant with a nice table setting and candlelight.  It was so fun and our friends still remember this to this day.  Gosh I think we should do this again!!  You could do this for an anniversary, birthday or any special occasion.

How about making something special, or whenever I am out looking for things to sell on eBay I am also thinking of things my family and friends have an interest in.  This means that they are always on your radar and you are thinking of them.  That is what people really want, to know that they are important to you.

So don't make the holidays a miserable time for you, make it a time to make people feel blessed.  We even spent some times serving at some food kitchens for Thanksgiving,  What a great way to not stress and do something special at the same time.  Then you WILL have a wonderful holiday season.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Choose your Consignors Wisely

This is the middle of September already????  Is time passing fast for you like it is for us.  Entering into the last 4th Quarter means the best time to profit for the whole year.  For some it is the "cream on the top" for the year.  So lets make it the best yet!!

Now on to how do you choose who you may want to sell for?  Sometimes they come out of the woodwork once they know you sell.  The nice thing is you do have choices, but it takes some serious thought ahead of time.  Let me give you some examples of some of my consignors that I sell for.

JB is a lady who came to me about 2 years ago to sell some very high end designer shoes and clothing for her.  Things like MuuBaa leather jackets and Fiorentini Baker Shoes that sell well over $500 SRP.  I have made a profit of over $4000 with those items.  Now she also had a few lower end items that I could only sell for $40 or $50.  Now this is not my normal policy to sell things that low, but when they give me higher end items or they continue to bring me items, I feel that I can do this for them.  One of the things that I know is that I cannot always find these high end items when I source so it is well worth selling for her.

BK and RB recent new consignors did something I just loved.  They sent me either a list or pictures of items they wanted me to sell. I was then able to research quickly what they would sell for and then let them know what I could sell for them.  BK had over 200 items that she wanted us to sell, but in my research I only found about 100 of the items that sold for good prices.  I could have taken everything, but sometimes you have to consider the time you have to get them listed. And because I have about 12 clients now, I did not want to take items that I would not be able to get listed for a long period of time.

So I ask for a list or pictures and some info on the items before I take them in.  Nothing is more frustrating then to take things and then find that they do not sell for much and have them stack up till they come back to pick up the items.  Takes up needed space and is a constant eye sore of frustration.

Now let us talk about our friends and family that sometimes think we will either sell for them and not charge or they have things that just are not worth the time it takes to do that.  I know I know, but they are family or friends.  I learned something years ago that has really helped me handle this.  I was a hairdresser for many years and of course I was always ask to do my family and friends hair for nothing.  I must admit I did that and it started to be that I was doing so much on my day off, it really was not my day off.  I was like running a private salon at my home.  Cannot tell you how much stress this caused.  So I had to either just stop doing that or do it with restrictions.  The only ones I would do were my mother and MIL of course.  After all they gave us life and that I felt was a pay back to them.

I had never taken into account the cost to me to learn that trade and the experience that I had gained through the years of working and the value of my time.  This is also what you as a consignment seller need to take into account, even for friends and family.  Treat it as a business and you will be surprised how they will accept that and most will appreciate you doing it professionally. If they do not respect that, then it will only be a headache you do not need. YOU are valuable and you are the professional with mass experience and knowledge.  Look at yourself as a teacher on the payroll. :)

So to sum this up make wise decisions about your time and what you have to offer.  Think about the benefits to selling for others that help you become more profitable and will not add any added stress.  And most important think about your time and ability to be able to do this.

I am always here if you need some guidance so email me at
Have a blessed September

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Part II Opportunities with no Money down.

Sorry this post was a little later then I expected to post, I was trying my hand at creating a new header and so it took me awhile to figure it out.  But here you go.......

We are heading into the end of August 2015 already and that means "guess what is just around the corner" yes that is right,
HOLIDAY Time.  Oh my gosh wasn't it just January 2000!! Yikes it is almost time to set New Years Resolutions and Goals again.  BUT wait I have not finished all that I planned for this year.  Do you ever feel that way and that life is moving so fast we can't catch our breath at times.  So here are some thoughts about relieving that stress for selling for the Holidays if you are not sure what to do.

Well let us work on finishing up this year strong.  By that I mean accomplishing things that has been on our list of things to do.  I know for us we wanted this to be our best year yet, we wanted to fill our store with more items and reach 1700 pieces in our store minimum.  Well so far this year we have over 3000 items in our store.  Now you ask how????

We have learned another new aspect to selling on line and that is creating multi-variation items.  This can add up fast and is super great in the time factor of listing.  You list one item and have several variations of that product.  Then where do I find those type items.  Here are some clues for you.

Find a source like we did with a local manufacture that you can sell their items.  We found a swimwear line that is made locally in the good ole` USA.  Did you know that there are several who would probably love to have you sell their items on line because they do not want to take the time or have the time to do it themselves.  We doubled our listings by just doing that and we are selling those items by using promotions and social media to promote them.  It has increased our sale in just those items by $5000.

BUT there is more, we created a online consignment store. Like I posted in the previous post there is a right and wrong way to do it.  Mainly the wrong way is to think you have nothing to offer someone else, but read that post and hopefully you will think different about this possibility.

There are certain things that you can sell for others that have great profit for you and for them.  As an example we just got over 25 boxes of collectibles and dinnerware from a new client. One of the lines was Spode which I researched before I decided to take them on consignment.  Found that the Soup Tureen in this collection was worth $899.00.  I have about 108 pieces in this collection which I will piece out as opposed to selling as a set.

Why you may ask would I do that, thinking about two things here, one is many people who have this nice of a dinnerware set may have some pieces that they broke or they may want to add to the collection.  Maybe a son or daughter got married and now there is one more in the family and they need an additional piece to the set.  And two I know that Replacement. com runs a huge business just on replacements with over a million items.  So that tells me there is a business in replacements for dinnerware.

Next post I will talk about how I find the right consignors and who I will choose to sell for.  This is a major decision that you may want to think about before you consider doing this.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Are you missing a GREAT Opportunity for no cost inventory???

Happy August All

To start off with, you are about to enter into the $$$$$$$ part of the year, the HOLIDAYS, where everyone will be getting out their gift list and planning their holiday parties and family gatherings.  For most of us online sellers this is our BIG time of year!

So coming off of what some find a slower time of year the summertime and entering into the 4th quarter how is your stress level???

Do you have enough inventory to carry you through or are you trying to find things to stock your store with.

This is about finding things that do not cost you money up front, I am talking about selling items for other people.  NOW before you say NO WAY, let me give you some food for thought.  If you are running on low funds and need to add more things, get more listings done and improve your sells, then this might be an answer for you.

BUT let me give you some pointers that might work for you.  I have been selling for other people for over 5 years now.  So through this period of time I have learned some things that make it work well.

The first obstacle I had to overcome was not putting a value on me as a seller and a person.  You see for years I was to timid to charge for anything that I had experience at doing.  As a former hairdresser I was always giving away my time and talent for FREE.  I hated charging my friends and family for that service UNTIL it got out of hand.  I was almost doing more hair cuts, perms and colors free then I was doing at my full time job in the salon. And of course this caused stress on me.

Well the same thing holds true for you as a seller.  Think about the time and effort you have spent improving your business, striving to have a great reputation ( especially the customer service part) and I might add, how many times have you paid to learn new things to make your business more successful.

What do you bring to the table to sell things for others.  You know there are many consignment shops that sell things for others and usually their take is 60%, paying the person with the goods only 40%.  You see if you did not bring all your experience, reputation and knowledge and time to the table all they would have is an "item" that was setting in their home or business gathering dusts and being a constant eyesore to them.  Many times just donating it just to get it out of their sight.

Now let us see just what you have that would benefit those great people with "things".  Shall we compare us to a B&M.

Here is what B&M Stores offer: 
Open limited hours
Sell locally
Have to run newspaper ads
Usually their customer base is a radius of 5 miles
They have to wait for the customers to come in
Have to stay even if there are no customers
Have to rotate their inventory often.

Here is what YOU have to offer:
Open 24/7
Sell Internationally
Use Social Media Marketing
You have the benefit of the Internet that people shop on everyday.
You sell on a popular platform that has thousands of daily visitors.
You can work from anywhere with your mobile, the beach, at a coffee shop, etc.
You can keep your items in your store for years, because you have new eyes coming in every day

 This is just a few of the benefits that you offer as well as your good customer service, reputation and knowledge of how to sell items.  Most of the B&M's have employee's that may or may not know much about the items that are in the store.  I could go on and on, but I think you get the point now.
YOU are valuable to those that do not want to take the time and effort to sell their items themselves.
This is some of the things I will be selling for others from just one client!  I have 25 boxes of things from her,

These boxes are loaded with very high end dinnerware and glassware.

This is just some of the collectibles

 Yeah!!! Christmas Dishes

                                                                      Very expensive Minton China

Next post tomorrow will talk about how to do this successfully and make tons of money.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Power of the Pattern

How to determine the patterns that dictates the direction of our lives and is it possible to change them.

We have been doing our life normally in a pattern that has gotten some of us some amount of success.  We have come up with ways to manage our work and play to be consistent in how we do things.  But are we going in the direction we are wanting to go in.
For the most part these patterns seem to work fine, but what if we want to grow.  What patterns do we need to change or add to move us further ahead.

You cannot believe your way out of problems that were created by patterns of behavior. Patterns that seem to worked so well in the past that do not seem to be working today.

One pattern that is so important is the way we think.  Do we still have old thinking in how to do something.  We live in a world that seems to be flying by pretty fast now with all the technology improvements.  And yet we seem to still have some old thinking about things.  I am not talking about good standards that are tried and true but just in general ways we do things such as:

The faith to step out is worthless without the faith to stick it out. What holds us back from stepping into something new and then staying there when some little set back may occur.  We do have to have something to stand on when we step out.  There will always be a little "pain" in stepping out of our comfort zone, but it has a purpose.  When pain has a purpose it will produce something new in us.

To produce something new we may have to be pruned a little.  And I know NO one wants to be pruned. LOL  This may come through circumstances or times of waiting.  We may be tested and tried to see if we have the faith to stick it out.

Life sometimes seems to be random but there is a pattern.  The pattern is not chasing after every little thing that comes to us, but being consistent with what we know is true. We may have to change the way we think about things such as how we do business or how we relate to people.

Is our thinking about things keeping us in that old way of doing things.  This reminds me of a tape I listened to years ago about change.  It talked about farmers in past days that farmed pretty much the way their fathers farmed.  Then one day they saw some of their fellow neighbor farmers were putting lights on their tractors so they could plow at night.  "That is not the way I will do that" they said.  Why would I want to work when it is dark.  So they did not embrace the change and later on their neighbors were producing huge crops and making much more money, and they were still struggling to get by.

This also reminds me of a time when I was talking to a lady that had a printing business.  I was sharing about how people were getting their printing done on the web and being able to do more business by making that option available.  She pretty much told me she was not going to learn how to do things on the internet and it would never work.  Well we know how that story ended.

to be continued.............

Friday, March 6, 2015

And.........March begins, which means that Baseball season and more specifically, the San Francisco Giants season is just around the corner!
Must be why we sold this so quickly!

And the point of that, just read an article that the Giants right fielder, Hunter Pence was hit by a pitch during a spring training game and broke his arm and will not be able to play for a period of time.

What caught my attention was the statement that Hunter made about the injury being part of the game of baseball and it just might be a Blessing! Talk about turning lemons to Lemonade!

In Life and in Business, we are faced with those "attitude" decisions every day, and even multiple times each day! Especially when dealing with customers, clients and people we deal with every day, we are faced with the opportunity to take those attitude testing situations and turn them into positive life giving, and maybe even life changing experiences!

Had a series of situations recently that really tested my "attitude". We had a package where the shipping label was taped to another package in error and the package (wrong one) was sent to my customer. It is a really long story, but my package disappeared and my customer coordinated with the other customer to get the correct package in the right place, that was delivered in error. We found another replacement for my customer as we sell mostly one of a kind items.

Another package went missing the same week, it simply disappeared, and that caused a little change in attitude! We have not lost a package prior to this in 12 years!
In both cases, we had to own it, take the best steps possible, refund the customer and keep a smile on our faces!
We owned it: our customers bought from us, even though the post office mishandled the items, it was still up to us to keep the customer happy and to provide a resolution.

We have found that being in business means that from time to time, we will have these little situations that test our "Attitude" and we have to decide to make these situations a "Blessing" making Lemonade out of lemons.