This is the middle of September already???? Is time passing fast for you like it is for us. Entering into the last 4th Quarter means the best time to profit for the whole year. For some it is the "cream on the top" for the year. So lets make it the best yet!!
Now on to how do you choose who you may want to sell for? Sometimes they come out of the woodwork once they know you sell. The nice thing is you do have choices, but it takes some serious thought ahead of time. Let me give you some examples of some of my consignors that I sell for.
JB is a lady who came to me about 2 years ago to sell some very high end designer shoes and clothing for her. Things like MuuBaa leather jackets and Fiorentini Baker Shoes that sell well over $500 SRP. I have made a profit of over $4000 with those items. Now she also had a few lower end items that I could only sell for $40 or $50. Now this is not my normal policy to sell things that low, but when they give me higher end items or they continue to bring me items, I feel that I can do this for them. One of the things that I know is that I cannot always find these high end items when I source so it is well worth selling for her.
BK and RB recent new consignors did something I just loved. They sent me either a list or pictures of items they wanted me to sell. I was then able to research quickly what they would sell for and then let them know what I could sell for them. BK had over 200 items that she wanted us to sell, but in my research I only found about 100 of the items that sold for good prices. I could have taken everything, but sometimes you have to consider the time you have to get them listed. And because I have about 12 clients now, I did not want to take items that I would not be able to get listed for a long period of time.
So I ask for a list or pictures and some info on the items before I take them in. Nothing is more frustrating then to take things and then find that they do not sell for much and have them stack up till they come back to pick up the items. Takes up needed space and is a constant eye sore of frustration.
Now let us talk about our friends and family that sometimes think we will either sell for them and not charge or they have things that just are not worth the time it takes to do that. I know I know, but they are family or friends. I learned something years ago that has really helped me handle this. I was a hairdresser for many years and of course I was always ask to do my family and friends hair for nothing. I must admit I did that and it started to be that I was doing so much on my day off, it really was not my day off. I was like running a private salon at my home. Cannot tell you how much stress this caused. So I had to either just stop doing that or do it with restrictions. The only ones I would do were my mother and MIL of course. After all they gave us life and that I felt was a pay back to them.
I had never taken into account the cost to me to learn that trade and the experience that I had gained through the years of working and the value of my time. This is also what you as a consignment seller need to take into account, even for friends and family. Treat it as a business and you will be surprised how they will accept that and most will appreciate you doing it professionally. If they do not respect that, then it will only be a headache you do not need. YOU are valuable and you are the professional with mass experience and knowledge. Look at yourself as a teacher on the payroll. :)
So to sum this up make wise decisions about your time and what you have to offer. Think about the benefits to selling for others that help you become more profitable and will not add any added stress. And most important think about your time and ability to be able to do this.
I am always here if you need some guidance so email me at
Have a blessed September